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Avenues São Paulo Achieves NEASC Accreditation

Avenues São Paulo recently joined our New York and Online campuses with an accreditation from the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC).

Founded in 1885 by the president of Harvard University, NEASC partners with schools to assess, support, and promote high quality education for all students through accreditation, professional assistance, and pursuit of best practices. NEASC-accredited schools “strive to achieve rigorous and common standards in education” and “demonstrate substantive institutional commitment to continual improvement,” among other things. The rigorous, multi-year accreditation process involves self-reflection, peer review and ongoing partnership with and support from NEASC.

In its final, 31-page report on Avenues São Paulo’s accreditation, NEASC affirmed that “Avenues is rethinking education as a learning community.” The report praised our commitment to supporting relationships and promoting communication within the community, as well as our efforts to measure the impact of various initiatives on students. It also highlighted the smooth integration of the Avenues World Elements, our global curricular system, with the Brazilian National Compulsory Curriculum. This gives students “a seamless opportunity to pursue a dual diploma [...] and supports the school’s desire to be ‘of country and for country’.”

The NEASC team which visited the campus were especially impressed by our students. “The Avenues students with whom the visitors spoke were enthusiastic, poised, and clearly engaged in their work,” the report said. “Avenues São Paulo is a school that lives its values -- welcome, safety and respect -- and it prizes its culture of innovation and collaboration, along with student-centered learning. With a focus on having a global impact, excitement about learning is present in every corner of the school.”

The lengthy accreditation process required the hard work and dedication of the campus leadership, faculty, staff, and students. Avenues congratulates all members of the São Paulo campus community on this major milestone.