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Anne Baldisseri 校长回顾圣保罗爱文校区走过的第一个五年

作者 Anne Baldisseri, Head of School at Avenues São Paulo

教育犹如一次海上远航,学生和教育者共同扬帆起航,探索知识和机会的浩瀚海洋。我感觉用这个比喻来形容圣保罗爱文校区再合适不过。我们于 2018 年 7 月正式启航。在过去的五年里,我见证了我们的“船员”齐心协力,共同策划教育变革和创新的航线,给每一个学生带去独一无二的教育体验。



然而,就像一艘新帆船的船员可能遭遇挑战一样,我们一开始也碰到了很多现实的问题。在我们试图满足来自 100 所不同学校的 750 名有着不同经历、习惯、文化、期望和目标的新生的需求时,我们碰到过厕所任性,施工尘土阻碍视线等五花八门的问题。还有在那些空调不配合的日子里,我们或是热得出汗或是冷得发抖。



2020 年,我们遭遇了一场前所未有的风暴,也就是全球疫情。就像一个船员依靠罗盘一样,我们也需要迅速调整,并在这汹涌的大海中找到新的方向。当巴西和全世界都陷入疫情的不确定性之中时,我们握住舵柄,将我们的船驶向线上学习的彼岸。我们的船员不懈合作,确保我们的学生能够获得与实体课堂同样的支持和关怀。家长和教师成为了至关重要的灯塔,共同努力为孩子们在家中提供有利的学习环境。即使在我们面临汹涌的潮水和猛烈的海浪时,我们的社群凝聚力依然没有丝毫动摇。



  • Embark:在每学年和学期开始之前的职业培训
  • IMPACT:教师发展职业生涯的独特方式
  • ALLI:爱文语言学习密集课程,为 6 至 9 年级的学生提供精通英语的机会,为爱文圣保罗校区的常规课程做准备
  • 阅读节:一个让所有社群成员聚到一起并分享他们对阅读和写作的热情的机会
  • NSTI:新思维学院,专门为来自巴西各地的教育者举办的会议
  • LEAP:教职员工和学生为邻近的 Jardim
  • Panorama 社区的孩子提供教育机会


Nonetheless, we encountered practical challenges similar to those that the crew of a newly-constructed sailing boat might face–all while accommodating 750 new students hailing from 100 different schools, each with unique experiences, approaches, cultures, expectations and goals. There were moments when the toilets refused to cooperate, and the dust from construction work clouded our paths. The air conditioning presented its share of issues, making some days uncomfortably hot and others distinctly chilly.

I spent a good part of my childhood sailing competitively. I remember waiting, weekend after weekend, for the start of a new race, my heart filled with anticipation, knowing that new challenges would come my way, and hoping that I would meet these unknown challenges with resilience and determination. Fast forward several decades, and I immediately likened the challenges we faced in the first few days, weeks, months and even years of Avenues São Paulo to the unpredictability of the winds and other unforeseeable factors that can disrupt a voyage.  As I’ve seen our community successfully navigate multiple challenges, charting a course to where we are today, the metaphor has continued to hold.

Much like accomplished sailors studying maps and charts, our faculty has continuously worked on refining our curriculum. Motivated by our Avenues World Elements, our teachers are able to build flexible and dynamic learning paths, through interdisciplinary projects that help foster an inquiry mindset, empowering our students to harness the winds of curiosity and intellectual exploration. At the heart of our voyage, we recognize the importance of nurturing values. All members of our community, including our students, are driven by the valued behaviors of collaboration, resourcefulness, learning, accountability, adaptability and courage. We all believe that our students should not only excel academically but should also be empowered to develop into world-wise leaders uniquely equipped to understand and solve global-scale problems. We encourage them to be kind, empathetic, and compassionate, fostering a culture of welcome, safety and respect.

In 2020, we encountered an unprecedented storm in the form of the global pandemic. Much like a sailor relying on a compass, we needed to adapt swiftly and find new paths through these turbulent waters. As Brazil, along with the rest of the world, grappled with the uncertainties of the pandemic, we took the helm and steered our ship towards online learning. Our crew collaborated tirelessly to ensure that our students received the same level of care and attention they would in a physical classroom. Parents and teachers became essential beacons and lighthouses, working together to provide a supportive and conducive learning environment from the comfort of their homes. Even as we faced rough waters and rip tides during these times, our sense of community did not waver.

As the pandemic subsided and we saw calmer waters ahead, we emerged from this challenging period stronger than ever. We discovered new strengths and embraced an even stronger spirit of innovation. We realized that the spirit of our school is not confined to a physical space but rather resides in the hearts and minds of our dedicated community crewmates. Together, we continue to sail, ready to see challenges as opportunities, strong in the confidence and wisdom gained from our experiences.

While the New York campus served as our flagship, our São Paulo campus, the second in Avenues’ global ecosystem, developed many innovations in the last five years. Some of these have been implemented across the Avenues ecosystem. Here are but a few:

  • Embark: a period of professional learning before the start of every academic year and semester.
  • IMPACT:  a unique way for teachers to build their careers.
  • Avenues Language Learning Intensive (ALLI): a program that provides students in grades 6–9 with an opportunity to master English as a second language in preparation for regular classes at Avenues São Paulo.
  • READ festival: an opportunity for the community to come together to share our love for reading and writing.
  • The New School of Thought Institute (NSTI):  a conference for educators across Brazil.
  • LEAP: faculty, staff and students making educational opportunities accessible to children in the neighboring Jardim Panorama community.
  • The Fellowship program: building stronger connections between social and environmental impact institutions and Avenues.

To our community, I extend a heartfelt invitation to join us on this incredible educational journey. We look forward to igniting and nurturing your child's potential in the classroom and beyond, and to continue to sail, as a community, towards new horizons of excellence and innovation. Bon voyage!